Equipment Sale-Leaseback

The client uses the equity in its machinery and equipment for obtaining funds. Procedurally, the client sells its machinery and equipment to Monetrex, and then the client agrees to lease it all back for a fixed monthly rent.

The term of the lease is based upon the client's capacity for making the monthly rental payments. A typical lease is 2 to 5 years in duration.

The client, at its election, can re-obtain ownership of its assets at the end of the lease term. Most leases contain a small buy back price (typically 10% of the original purchase price). On a case-by-case basis, the client can prematurely terminate the lease.

During the lease, the client is responsible for maintenance, and other costs associated with use of the machinery and equipment.

Monetrex employs outside appraisers for valuing the assets before determining the amount of the purchase price.

This program is offered only in conjunction with a Monetrex receivable factoring program, which includes without charge many administrative services.

Please see Frequently Asked Questions for more information


 Asset Based Lending

 Equipment Sale-Leaseback

 Purchase Order Funding

 Frequently Asked Questions


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